Abstracts are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted before 1st April 2015. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in Symposium.
Oral communications
All presentations should use PowerPoint software. Presenters must bring their presentation material on a memory stick or CD, which will be uploaded in due time.
Twelve minutes is the allowed time for each presentation, with additional 2-3 minutes for questions. Conference organizers will be strict in keeping presenters within this time limit. Please do not exceed the allocated time for your presentation.
As a recommendation, make a brief introduction to your problem; state the objectives of your work, the main results, and the conclusions.
Posters will be organized by the theme of their corresponding oral session. Dimensions: Each poster should not exceed the maximum dimensions of 96 x 160 cm (wide x height); and should be read from 2 m away.
Format and Content Recommendations: Keep your poster simple; provide a clear "take-home" message. Sections to be included: Title, Authors, Affiliation, Introduction, Methods (if essential), Results, Conclusions, Short References, Acknowledgments. Use direct and simple sentences.
The language of the symposium will be English οr Greek.